Diagnostic reagents refer to medical reagents prepared by the principles or methods of immunology, microbiology, molecular biology and used in vitro for the diagnosis detection and epidemiological investigation of human diseases. Diagnosis reagents can be divided into two categories: in vivo diagnostic reagents and in vitro diagnostic reagents.
Except for the in vivo diagnostic reagents used for diagnosis such as old tuberculin, brucellin, sekkertoxin, etc., most of them are in vitro diagnostic products. As a reliable medical reagents manufacturer, Hipro is committed to in vitro diagnostic reagents including clinical diagnostic test kits of medical diagnostic test kits.
Simple Testing Device Suitable for Any Point-of-Care Setting.
Integrated "Precise" Sample Collector and Reagent in ONE" Patented" Testing Device.
Preloaded Reagents-Easy Procedure.
No Pipettes and Other Accessories.
No Separate Sampling.
No Multiple Reagent Dispensing.
Reduces Possible Testing Errors.
On-site Whole Blood Testing in Just a Few Minutes.
Convenient, Highly Efficient, and Robust.
Easy to Use and Lab Staff Friendly.
Minimal Training Required.
Accurate and Reliable with Proven Performance.
Measure Multiple Samples Simultaneously.
Significantly Higher Sensitivity.
Wide Testing Range with System Repeatability CV<5%.
Color-Coded SimplyRead™ Test Devices to Avoid Any Mix-up.